MovingThroughTsures (Troubles)
Sunday, June 23rd 10:30-2:30
A Yiddish and Ladino Musical and Somatic Inquiry Retreat For Jews and their Allies
What do the songs of our ancestors have to tell us about today? What do they evoke in us?
And how can they help us with the myriad of emotions we feel today?
At Milagros Center, Corrales, NM, in a beautiful natural setting, we will come together in community in a safe environment of caring, nonjudgement, compassion, and gratitude.
As we learn the translations and hear the songs played and sang live, we will note what emotions are evoked and where they are felt in our bodies. This brings awareness to energy patterns in our meridians, organs and nervous system. We can create an opening, a shift out of narrow places we get stuck in. Moving the energy liberates us and brings a new perspective. This frees past conditioning, worn-out beliefs and behaviors that no longer work in our world, creating a new paradigm.
Tools we will use: listening and feeling, “Shakin’ It Out!” a therapeutic shaking of the body, vocalizing and toning, sound healing instruments, iRest (Integrative Restoration)Yoga Nidra Meditative Inquiry, journaling in nature.
Sheila Fox has been a professional Yiddish and Ladino singer and musician for over 30 years. She has been in the healing arts profession for 30 years as well, working with a wide variety of populations including refugees, elders, hospice, and veterans. She is an Acutonics® Sound Healing practitioner, an iRest® Yoga Nidra Meditation Instructor and she is certified with Capacitar International, a global organization that works with victims of trauma. In 2011, Sheila travelled to the West Bank, the Jordan Valley and Israel doing healing work on both sides of the wall with young and old, men, women, and children.
There is space for 10 people. Please register by going to the contact page or by calling or texting Sheila at 206-898-5090
Suggested sliding scale donation of $20-$80. Payment accepted online or in person at the door. Address and directions will be sent with your registration.
Please call Sheila Fox if you have any questions at 206-898-5090.
Note: Milagros is a scent free and pet free space
Sheila’s Workshop was everything i needed while greiving for family near and far…….The Songs were beyond powerful, the break for journaling in the beauty of Monther Nature outside was absoloutly perfect. Each person who attended also brought something important to teach. I truly loved this invredibly thoughtful and meditative way of facing and working through our tsures.
Sheila created a safe space to align with grief through singing, toning, journaling, and sharing ain i felt held and transformed. Working with Yiddish and Ladino songs, songs of the earth, grief, and loss, was very meaningful. The languages hold such depth in their words and they brought out the voice of the earth and the trees, and ultimately the sounds of hope in the midst of the anguish. All who need to process ancestral and cultural greif whould benefit from joining her on this journey.
Thank you for offering a beautiful and heartfelt workshop in which you invited us to sing and share our grief and remembrance of our diverse and collective humanity.
-Michelle Adam, author educator and workshop leader